Our Favorite Sites, Recommended Links & Resources
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In An Emergency
ASPCA/National Poison Control - Please call 1-888-426-4435 if you have any questions or have a pet that you suspect is experiencing problems
Dog CPR Training
Veterinary Services
Find a Vet Near You
General Dog
Helpful Directories, Local & Otherwise
Pet Sit USA - Pet sitter directory including petsitters, dog walkers, dog runners, dog daycares for pet owners to locate pet care
DogGeek.com - Dog sitters, dog parks, dog trainer, veterinarians, dog groomers, humane society, pet waste cleanup, dog day care, dog names and much more dog information
Pet Supplies
Pet Nutrition Center - 115 E. Route 59 Nanuet, NY (845-623-3214)
Accessories, Treats & Toys
Magazines and Books
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Programs
People for Animals - 908-964-6887
Friends of Animals - 1-800-321-PETS
Health Web Sites
Veterinary Pet Insurance
About Puppymills
We Support
Pet Loss and Bereavement Services
Rescue Services - Any and All Breed Rescue
ADOPT A PET - offers an online index of animal shelters throughout the US.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - Scenic Route 89, Kanab, Utah 84741-5001 (435) 644-2001 (The nation's largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals.)
Breed Rescue Directory - a comprehensive list, with links to the websites of breed rescue clubs from Affenpinscher to Yorkshire Terrier
PetFinder – Animals available for adoption across the country.